THE MAGAZINE PROJECT (Eighth Grade) page 1 of 2


Congratulations! You have just been named editor-in-chief of your very own magazine. Your job is to create a magazine, cover to cover, that is centered on a theme or interest of your choice. The final product will be a bound and included as a major portfolio piece.

There are short descriptions of the magazine components below. Some of the writing techniques used in the magazine will be new to you, but we will practice these together as we take this project step by step. To help you organize your work, you will keep a writing folder in class with a checklist stapled inside to keep track of due dates. You will also schedule several brief conferences with me as we go, and you will be assigned to a “base group” that will help you to revise and improve your work.

You will have about four weeks to complete this project. Review your checklist often, and don’t wait until the last minute! You will be given mini-rubrics for each of the following components, as well as a final grade at the end.
